I knew it. Admittedly, I always objected on other grounds, namely that basketball shots are not all alike. Sometimes the “hot hand” is just a defensive breakdown leading to wide open threes. Also, it seemed wildly implausible that someone getting fouled hard would have no effect on subsequent free throws, and so on.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Miller and Sanjurjo’s table arriving at 5/12s seems bogus. To quote someone on r/slatestarcodex:

Anyone can easily check there are eight post-heads results available. Four of them are heads, four tails. That's 50%. I think the authors reached 5/12 by averaging the "proportion of Hs on recorded flips" in each scenario, which just seems wrong.

Maybe that commenter is wrong. I'm open to persuasion.

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