Sep 20, 2023Liked by Lionel Page

Thanks for this super insightful post Lionel! Just one question: how is players' effort measured in the studies mentioned in that second part of the post? I imagine it can take many forms (e.g., riskier serves, holding longer in a rally, faster shots, etc.)

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Some papers try to measure effort, but individual choice of effort is hard to measure since how much a player runs depends on how much the other players tries to make him/her run. So the studies mostly rely on theories predicting that players should vary their effort in specific ways to respond to the cost and benefits in the game. These variations in effort should lead to patterns of momentum and it is these patterns that the empirical studies test (and find). Their are some measure of efforts too (in our paper we look at the number of rallies per point) , but it is used as support rather than as the main results (for the reason described above).

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Makes sense, thank you! :)

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